Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You know you're in trouble...

You know you're in trouble when the backup grinder for your backup grinder quits working.

The Friday before last, when we got to the shop to get ready for our CinderBlue music night, our bulk grinder was making a horrible "chunking" sound. This was bad because CinderBlue always draws a large crowd and, being evening, we expected a higher than average number of decaf orders and, since we were already down one espresso grinder, the bulk grinder was acting as our decaf grinder.

No problem, my father in law was at my house and joining us soon, so I made a quick phone call and had him bring out little grinder from home. We made it through the night and ordered parts for both grinders thee next day, but... on monday our home grinder quit working. Mandy made an emergency trip to the store so we could get through the week. After spending a couple of hours on thursday fixing grinders, we are now back to maximum grinding capacity, at home as well as at Green Plow... at least for now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

CinderBlue fills Green Plow again

We hosted local band CinderBlue for the second time last Friday and I think I had even more fun than the first time they came. People began showing up even before the band did, and gave the band a very enthusiastic response... and that was just for their sound check. We are extremely thankful for our friends at Paulina Springs books who have loaned us some of their folding chairs both times that Cinder Blue has played (we are searching for some for our back room that we can pull out when we get big crowds). I had my camera in my pocket, but we had a couple of other people taking pictures so I never pulled it out, so you'll just have to come see them when they come back next month.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Grand Opening Celebration


Friday, October 9,

marks one month that we have been in business, and we want to celebrate!

Come hear local musicians


featuring Lee Barker and his Barker Bass as seen on OPB’s Oregon Art Beat


Enter all day long to

Win FREE Coffee!

Look for a new art showing

Photography by Jessica Miller

on our walls

We so are thankful for the part that you have played in making this a great first month at

Green Plow Coffee

and we hope that you will join us on Friday!

436 SW 6th St in the heart of Downtown Redmond

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Coffees have arrived

What a week this has been! We opened our shop in Redmond last Wednesday and have since then have been acclimating ourselves to this next part of our journey. We have also been roasting some new beans that we are very excited about. Here is what we have available right now:

Brazil Priscila do Cerrado: Good body and a hint of nuts. Our importer for this coffee is a Brazilian importing coffee from his family's farm and other farms in the same region. $12/lb.

Papua New Guinea: Mandy says, "Smooth and heavy." This is a "direct relationship" coffee. The company importing this coffee was established specifically to market the coffee from this region and benefit the people in the community where it is grown. $11/lb.

Colombia Huila "Monserate": Bright and slightly citrusy. Another relationship coffee, this one from a large importer that has established direct relationships in several coffee producing countries. $12/lb.

We also have a very good Guatamalan Antigua (11/lb.) and an Ethiopian Sidamo ($12/lb), both of which will give you a subtle fruit flavor in the cup.

We offer a discount for churches and non-profits. Contact us for details and to order.

Pat and Mandy Schmidt

Green Plow Coffee Roasters, LLc

Friday, September 11, 2009

Opening Day!

9-09-09 After 17 months of planning, searching, being gutsy, learning construction skills, and a whole lot of prayers and miracles, Green Plow Coffee Roasters opened it's doors!

Two of our amazing beautiful baristas, Candice and Danielle.
The roast master himself, Patrick.

We have an amazing amount of thank you's, our list is so long! I'll be adding to that list on this blog as we go. But for today...Thank you, Brian, from Mud Bay Coffee Co. in Olympia, Wa for your depth of coffee knowledge & shop management you shared with us during training.

And Thank you to the Redmond Downtown Merchants for your outpouring of love and support! You guys rock!

Construction: Before/After

WE OPENED THIS WEEK!!!! Yahoooo! Thought you might like to see a quick before and after photo collection......

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Same New Coffee House, Different New Name

Yep....you're right. We haven't even opened, and we're changing our name! Due to trademark issues, Redmond's only locally owned coffeehouse is changing our name from Plowshare Coffee Roasters to Green Plow Coffee Roasters. We feel that this keeps a lot of the same connotations....agricultural connection to Redmond's history, suggestions of a peaceful simple life. Yet it adds other aspects that we like. Hints of striving to live in an environmentally friendly way. The word, "Green" (besides being my favorite color!) reminds us of growth...physically, spiritually, emotionally. To be healthy well rounded people, we must strive for that continually.

Sooo....Without further ado (although with much more construction!) I give you....

436 SW 6th St
Redmond, OR 97756

Opening Late August 2009