Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Coffees have arrived

What a week this has been! We opened our shop in Redmond last Wednesday and have since then have been acclimating ourselves to this next part of our journey. We have also been roasting some new beans that we are very excited about. Here is what we have available right now:

Brazil Priscila do Cerrado: Good body and a hint of nuts. Our importer for this coffee is a Brazilian importing coffee from his family's farm and other farms in the same region. $12/lb.

Papua New Guinea: Mandy says, "Smooth and heavy." This is a "direct relationship" coffee. The company importing this coffee was established specifically to market the coffee from this region and benefit the people in the community where it is grown. $11/lb.

Colombia Huila "Monserate": Bright and slightly citrusy. Another relationship coffee, this one from a large importer that has established direct relationships in several coffee producing countries. $12/lb.

We also have a very good Guatamalan Antigua (11/lb.) and an Ethiopian Sidamo ($12/lb), both of which will give you a subtle fruit flavor in the cup.

We offer a discount for churches and non-profits. Contact us for details and to order.

Pat and Mandy Schmidt

Green Plow Coffee Roasters, LLc

Friday, September 11, 2009

Opening Day!

9-09-09 After 17 months of planning, searching, being gutsy, learning construction skills, and a whole lot of prayers and miracles, Green Plow Coffee Roasters opened it's doors!

Two of our amazing beautiful baristas, Candice and Danielle.
The roast master himself, Patrick.

We have an amazing amount of thank you's, our list is so long! I'll be adding to that list on this blog as we go. But for today...Thank you, Brian, from Mud Bay Coffee Co. in Olympia, Wa for your depth of coffee knowledge & shop management you shared with us during training.

And Thank you to the Redmond Downtown Merchants for your outpouring of love and support! You guys rock!

Construction: Before/After

WE OPENED THIS WEEK!!!! Yahoooo! Thought you might like to see a quick before and after photo collection......