Saturday, May 1, 2010

The unofficial (and impromptu) Green Plow Art Fest

We weren't sure what to do when our musicians for last Friday had to cancel, so we wnded up throwing open our doors to any and all musicians to meet at Green Plow to, "...mingle with other local artists and make beautiful music together." Well we had at least 2o people show up, and the first ever Green Plow Open Jam was awesome! Thank you to everyone who came to play. We have had good feedback and we will plan on doing it again.

Then on Saturday night we hosted an evening of drama, presented by Redmond's own Children's Theater Company. They treated us to an evening of sketches, scenes, monologues, and reader's theater.

And finally, this weekend was Walk The ArtBeat on Friday night. Our walls are filled with art from local students, and our halls were filled with music by Jacob Looper and Cassia Dawn, along with some help from a couple of friends.

Join us over the next few weeks for music from Burn Pattern, CinderBlue, Eric Staples, and the Prairie Rockets. See ya there!


  1. You guys rock! You are kind of living our dream. Blessings on your work. :)

  2. CinderBlue is keenly anticipating Friday night May 14--see you at 7pm. Or earlier if you really enjoy setup and sound check!
